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Les Brown is one of the greatest speakers that has ever lived!
In the Seminar ‘Step Into Your Greatness’ he advises to stop playing it safe and start creating what’s truly possible in life by stretching yourself, taking risks and surrounding yourself with positive, nourishing people.
Discover the key to greatness through powerful and inspiring insights on how to raise the bar and commit to higher goals, recognize negative people and detoxify them from your life, challenge yourself and put your fear of failure to rest and stay hungry and make “no” your daily vitamin (motivation).
Step Into Your Greatness by Les Brown Overview:
Settings Goal and Believing in yourself.
The power of Commitment.
Les Brown’s Motivational Life Story.
Why People Continue to do the things they hate.
Explanation of the greatness within us.
Our Lives, Dreams, Ideas and Talents.
Finding our Power and Confidence.
How and why to focus on Self-Development.
The significance of a positive environment.
The importance of the choice of friends.
How to overcome your weaknesses.
Stand our with your Qualities and Spirit.
You need to be Hungry!
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